Free to Feel

Free to Feel is a 12-week container to support you in processing unresolved emotional experiences contributing to you feeling stuck, in dis-ease, anxious, depressed, or in pain. We’ll look at the challenges you’re facing in your life and systematically work through any unresolved experiences from your past to complete the charge your system is holding. This is a combination of spiritual, energetic healing and subconscious reprogramming. Free to Feel is a structured process that will help you come to peace with your past, understand yourself more, and find more peace and clarity.

We’ll also address anything currently occuring in your life that is asking for your attention so you can make the changes needed to facilitate your healing.

This is an experiential offering. Be prepared to go into yourself, address past hurts, and find freedom in feeling.

Personal support and guidance from me in the form of:

  • 2 healing sessions per month (50 minutes)

  • Voxer support

  • Email support

  • One free month of Divine Passage (for non-members)


How It Works

Our first session is a 90 minute deep dive where I’ll learn about you, your history, and you’ll learn how to move through where you’re stuck. You’ll have homework assignments to continue healing on your own. Voxer support will allow you to receive guidance as you navigate the self-healing you’ll be doing in between our 1:1 sessions.

We’ll meet twice per month (follow up sessions are 50 minutes) over a three month period. Each session includes healing through Breathwork and emotional processing techniques to access your subconscious, connect to your heart, and create coherence in your energy field. (If you’ve done Breathwork with me in the past, this experience will be a little different and even more powerful.)

In this offering you’ll learn to move through fear, anger, grief and shame. We’ll also focus on letting go, forgiveness, and self-love.

Who It’s For

This offering is for you if you’re ready to work through the core issues holding you back from living the life you desire. You must be willing to show up for yourself consistently and confront the emotions you’ve been resisting. More love, peace, and joy are on the other side of this work.

*If you’re experiencing chronic pain, anxiety, or depression, I recommend joining Ease of Being so you have built the foundation before Free to Feel.


Join Free To Feel


Also available as a 6 month offering with 1 session per month for those who have done work with me in the past and are already well experienced processing your emotions. Please inquire.


“May I have the courage today
To live the life I would love,
To postpone my dream no longer,
But do at last what I came here for
And waste my heart on fear no more.”



The greatest gift I've been given in my life has been the courage to face my pain.

Through it, I have discovered who I truly am. On the other side of it, I have found a way to share the wisdom I’ve gathered.

I spent most of my life trapped within myself. Because I didn’t know how to listen to my intuition or process my emotions, I decided to ground myself in the world by emulating qualities I liked. I wanted to be strong, confident, outgoing, and independent. So I became those things. Or I should say I pretended to be those things because to be those things required me to face some things I was not yet prepared to face. 

In 2016 I experienced a Dark Night of The Soul, and it felt as if every shard of grief I’d hidden from view came to the surface. I fell into a severe depression and slowly transformed myself inside the cavern. I learned how to tenderly hold the parts of me I was afraid and ashamed of.

Over the years I truly, deeply learned to love myself. I became a master alchemizer because there was no other way than turning my pain into love. This journey is not an easy one, but I promise you that if you show up to do the work, and if you face it all wholeheartedly, what is on the other side is so worth it