Good Love


Stop the self-love struggle

Free your mind of negative self-talk and finally feel good about your life through one simple breathing technique, relatable lessons, and step-by-step guidance from someone who’s mastered self-love.


Get ready to see the world through new eyes. That’s the gift of your own love.


Everything about your life changes when your heart opens, and you feel the real, tangible love that is available inside your own body. This is not something I’m giving you. It’s not the result of a pill or an herb. This love is an energy that is accessible to you, right now, from within yourself. It is not a concept of the mind, but an experience in the body.

When you learn to love yourself, you gain the wisdom your life is offering up to you. You can resolve lifelong emotional pain, low self-worth, self-doubt, and existential disconnection. Self-love gives you a sense of purpose and belonging that can never be found outside yourself. It is the feeling of being home with you.

Open Your Heart
& Feel Self-Love Faster

With This One Simple Breathing Pattern


Most people think that the path to self-love is through the mind. They read books about it, listen to podcasts and watch videos of people talking about self-love. They might even work with affirmations (which I am a fan of when used complimentarily) to try to change their beliefs. 

The problem is that love isn’t of the mind. Love is of the heart.

You can try to love yourself by thinking you do all you want, but if you’re not working on the emotional, energetic, and spiritual levels it will not get you very far. This is why I’ve been practicing and facilitating one powerful breathing pattern for the past decade.

Breathwork helps the busy mind quiet down so you can finally hear what your heart is communicating to you.

I’ve been facilitating this work for a decade and have seen countless people transform through this one simple breathing pattern. Because it helps to quiet the mind it assists us in overcoming old stories that keep us stuck, limited thought patterns, and resistance to change. It also helps to uproot and release the emotions we’ve unconsciously buried in the body. 

Breathwork helps expedite the healing process and brings us into greater communication with the heart and soul. It also supports us in accessing the truth of our deepest emotional wounds and the false beliefs attached to them. The truth is:

There’s nothing wrong with you.


You just need the right information to understand how to access your own love.


You might be thinking that when you’re judging someone, feeling jealous, guilty, shameful or afraid, that you are so far away from self-love. The truth is that these experiences are incredibly valuable. Most people place their focus on what is lacking and they miss the valuable information that is pointing them to what they desire. 

Instead of looking at these experiences as a lack of self-love, I look at them as an ask for self-love. There is a part of you that is hurting or insecure, and that part of you is calling for your attention to be cared for. So in the very moment you think you aren’t loving yourself, you are actually being given the opportunity to love yourself. In Good Love, you learn how to do just that.


You can love yourself without changing anything about yourself.


The world will tell you that you need to go to school to learn the answers, that you need an expert to tell you what’s “wrong” with you, that somewhere out there is the solution to your problem. The truth is that when you love yourself, you love your body because it’s you, you love your unique way of thinking, you listen to and learn from your emotions because you don’t reject yourself, and you trust yourself to hear your own intuition. 

All of this happens inside. It doesn’t come from doctors, politicians, industry leaders, or influencers. When we are disconnected from ourselves, we feel like we have to go hunt outside for some missing thing to fill us up. It’s actually inside. It’s not out there. It’s in here. When

your heart opens to love for yourself you see yourself differently. You see your gifts, you feel your worth, you trust your intuition, and you know you are lovable. Everything changes from there. 

Yes, there is a natural alchemy that happens through healing, but it is not about changing ourselves because there is something wrong or bad about us. The change that occurs is a byproduct of our own love—it’s not needed in order to love ourselves.

This is a very different perspective than you might have heard before. If it’s familiar to you, you might just need the right support and guidance on how to actually apply it to finally feel your own love.


If you think you’ve tried everything—you haven’t. Self-love is attainable for you, too.


We all want to feel good about ourselves. We want to love our lives. We want to enjoy our own company. We want to stop being so preoccupied by our own dramas and insecurities that we have more of ourselves to genuinely give to others. 

Everyone wants to feel in their heart that they are a good person and that they have something valuable to offer. We want to see ourselves through eyes of love instead of with judgment and criticism. In order to do that, we have to free ourselves from the patterns and perspectives that keep us out of self-love.

It’s incredibly frustrating to try all the things other people say works and feel like there must be something wrong with you because it’s not working for

you. That experience only hits the wound that perpetuates your separation from self-love.

Everyone wants to feel in their heart that they are a good person and that they have something valuable to offer. We want to see ourselves through eyes of love instead of with judgment and criticism. In order to do that, we have to free ourselves from the patterns and perspectives that keep us out of self-love.

Even if you believe you’ve tried everything else, if you can’t say with absolute certainty that you love yourself yet, then there is work to be done, and Good Love is here to support you in finally embodying the love you deserve.

Hi, I'm Michelle.

I’ve been supporting people on their self-love journey for over a decade, using Breathwork as my primary healing tool. In this 1:1 offering you get the benefit of my past personal experience, ten years of client experience, intuitive development, and supportive tools to apply to your self-love journey.

Self-love is an ongoing process because love is a well of depth that continues to grow. I never imagined I could feel the way I feel for myself, but life continues to give me opportunities to love myself more. Being single for 8 years since that blindsiding breakup was a master class in itself of learning to surrender to the life process, to claim the depth of my worth, and to fully inhabit my life.

For almost a decade I have been supporting people on their healing journey. I know where people struggle with self-love, not just because of those I work with, but because I’ve been there myself.

I know firsthand how much energy we waste on false ideas about ourselves, carrying guilt and shame around, and doubting our worth. I also know how much sweeter, magical, and juicy life is when love is flowing from within yourself. It liberates you from the toxic attachments most people are burdened by and frees you up to create the life you truly desire.

How it Works


Joining Good Love Supported is a sacred commitment to changing the direction of your life and landing in self-love. The exchange is weighted financially and energetically to communicate to your subconscious and the Universe that it is time. This is not a flippant decision. It is for those who feel a deep calling within to embody a love for themselves that changes everything. I will take your healing as seriously as I expect you to, and we will have a lot of laughs and bring in levity to this process!

This is part 1:1 support program, part self-study. You will receive access to the Good Love program which includes video lessons, Breathwork meditations, workbooks for inner inquiry, and exercises. It is expected that you engage with this work in your own time. I recommend setting aside at least 1-2 hours per week for this work. A daily Breathwork practice will be recommended as well.

We will also be working together consistently, 1:1, to support you in moving through your blocks and blind spots. Because self-love is deep, long term work, I am only taking on clients who can commit to a minimum of 3-months together, though 6-months is preferred if feasible for you.

Ongoing personal support and guidance from me in the form of:

  • 2 Breathwork healing sessions per month (70 minutes)

  • 2 Guidance Sessions per month (50 min)

  • Voxer support

  • Email support

Plus Good Love self-study material (curriculum outlined below; we will work through the themes together 1:1 as well)



*If you have already purchased the Good Love program, you’re eligible for a partial refund in the amount you paid to join the program.

The Course Curriculum

Module One

The Meaning & Purpose of Self-Love

Self-love has become a buzzy phrase over the past few years, conflated with bubble baths, yoga, and sage. In this lesson, you’ll learn what self-love actually is so you can identify the lack of it in your life. This means you won’t get caught up identifying as someone who loves themselves but not actually experiencing true self-love.

Module Two

A Lesson In Listening

You can’t love yourself if you don’t listen to yourself. In this lesson, you’ll develop the ability to discern, through the felt senses, what your life is communicating to you so you can understand yourself, an integral process of the self-love journey.

Module Three

How To Fall In Love With Yourself

Once you have an understanding of what self-love means and how foundational it is to experience what you truly want in your life, you’ll learn how to embody self-acceptance, how to move through resistance when it arises, and how to align to the truth of who you are so that you can experience self-love.

Module Four

Journey Into The Shadow

The shadow is a psychological term used to describe the aspects of yourself that are unconscious. As Carl Jung has said, “The shadow is the person we’d rather not be.” In this module, you’ll learn how to integrate the parts of yourself that you’ve judged, rejected, or abandoned, an absolutely essential process in order to master self-love.

Module Five

Tending To The Wounded Child

Most of our core emotional pain is related to unmet needs and desires from our childhood. In this module, you’ll learn the core wounds most of us carry around love as well as how to heal your hurt inner child, and why this work is essential to fully loving yourself.

Module Six

Love Yourself Through Guilt, Shame, & Self-Betrayal

There are many things that interrupt our connection to our own love. In this module, you’ll learn about how guilt, shame, and self-betrayal interfere with your relationship to yourself, and you’ll be given examples of how the pattern of negative self-talk can be broken, the way punitive systems have been internalized, and the path to heal these heavy burdens. This means you’ll understand how to break the patterns that keep you out of self-love.

Module Seven

Find Your Anchor

This module is an important one in light of a growing population seeking purpose but feeling lost. Each of us has a soul mission, one or more things we came here to do and share. In this module, you’ll learn how to use self-love to uncover your personal life purpose so that you can find meaning in who you are without hunting down something outside of you to validate your worth.

Module Eight

When You Slip Up On Self-Lovin’

In this module, you’ll learn how to handle the moments it feels like you’re regressing or you’ve hit a wall. You’ll learn what to do when you find that you’re second-guessing yourself, lacking trust in your path, or aren’t experiencing what you desire in life.

Module Nine

Get Comfortable Living From Your Heart

Loving yourself is a huge accomplishment, but what happens when you show up in relationship to others? This is where you’ll find your hard work of self-love has paid off. It’s also the area that can be the most activating. In this module, you’ll learn how to stay in your heart when engaging with others without abandoning yourself.


“Through participating in several of Michelle’s offerings, I found the theme of self-love to be of deep consideration. When GOOD LOVE was brought forward, I was definitely on board. Three main factors have contributed to my commitment to this program. One – the inquiries presented in each module have given me pause – and have allowed me to enter my heart to know what’s deeply present and desiring exposure. Two – the Breathwork Sessions – through the breath – the belly, the heart - tears and laughter, release is found. Three – Michelle herself – her confidence in Life itself is refreshing and truly believable. Love is present.


Good Love was a wonderful way for me to start to feel embodied- that is not disconnected from my body or from myself. I had a lot of trauma to release and Michelle’s breathwork meditations were perfect for me to be with me- in all the messiness. Her videos and her workbooks were invitations to go deeper and see the truth of who I am. It’s been the most curious and most important journey I’ve ever been on. I believe, like she says, the relationship I have with myself is the most precious relationship of all. That is the TRUTH!”